Ant Simulation in Godot using Behavior Tree Part 1
Ant Simulation in Godot using Behavior Tree Part 1

I published a post on how to use Behavior Trees to create artificial Intelligence for NPC in which I talked about What is a Behavior Tree, the type of BT nodes, commonly used nodes, and the functioning of a Behavior Tree. I also talked about using different available implementations of Behavior Trees in Godot. I... » read more

Tutorial | Basic Trigonometry for Game Development
Tutorial | Basic Trigonometry for Game Development

Basic Trigonometry for Game Development Trigonometry derives from Greek words tigonon or Sanskrit word trikona both meaning triangle and metron from Greek or matra from Sanskrit, both meaning measurement. India created the earliest known tables of values of trigonometric functions such as sine and cosine. So why do we need to know about trigonometry in... » read more

Tutorial | Basic Vector Math for Game Development
Tutorial | Basic Vector Math for Game Development

Unless your game is only about clicking a few buttons or just text based adventure, you would at some level need to move things around in a 2d or 3d space. In order to know where our moving objects are going to be present in the next frame, we need to have some knowledge of Vector Math. Vectors contain information of direction andor magnitude.